Emily Takes on GOSH's 500,000 Step Challenge!
“Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH) has played a huge part in our family's life and it is thanks to them that my sister, Lucy, is leading such an amazing life. As many of you know Lucy didn't have the best start in life and had to have brain surgery at a very young age. My parents were told it was a dangerous procedure and that Lucy would be unlikely to walk/talk/have a good quality of life.
Thanks to GOSH, my parents and the huge team around her, Lucy has defied all odds and is an amazing young woman who I am so proud of.
Therefore, I joined their November challenge of walking 500,000 steps to raise money for GOSH and support the vital work they do.
I am pleased to say the goal was completed and I raised £600 which was over my target of £500.
Thank you to everyone who sponsored and kept me going!