World Cleanup Day 2019!
As it was World Cleanup day on Saturday 21st September Summit organised a litter pick to get involved and help promote a cleaner environment. Students turned up with enthusiasm and the cleanup began! A number of Students, Parents and Staff had signed up to help with the event and were all looking forward to working together as a team. Luckily with the weather and had the sun shining throughout!. We were very fortunate to have been lent equipment from the Redbourn Parish Council, including litter grabbers, bin holders and high visibility vests - so a huge thank you to them from Summit!
The group covered a large area including the local parks, main common ground and the High Street as well as some of the adjoining roads. Many locals came up to the group enquiring who we were, why we were collecting the litter and also many coming over just to say thank you. Students were delighted to speak with the public and talk about what Summit had organised. A real sense of purpose and achievement was gained and many Students have asked to have another pick organised which is a fantastic result.
It was important to give back to the local community and a strong message to spread of the importance of keeping the environments cleaner, litter free and safer for residents, local wildlife and for the preservation of the local area.
A huge thank you to all involved and for the support of the Parish Council!